In today’s fast paced world it is easy to make mistakes in the little things. Hopefully one of the things you don’t consider little is employee relations. However there are common mistakes that can be very detrimental to our overall success as managers.
Lacking in the communications department is in my opinion the biggest mistake managers make in the work place today. Do your team members know you appreciate them other than at review time? Thank them for their efforts and reward them. If they are successful so are you!
Do they know what you expect from them on a daily basis? Give them a clear understanding of what is expected of them. It is impossible to reach a goal if you don’t know what that goal is or where it is and how to reach it. Clear directions on what is expected can be often over looked.
Don’t keep them in the dark. Let them in on the big picture, follows along with them knowing what their goals and expectations are, but let them know how that fits in the bigger picture of the company’s goals and direction.
Do you play favorites at work? It is difficult for us as managers not to become friends with some of our team members. But if you do that, are you seen as favoring one person over another? Perhaps you bowl or play softball with one or more of your team members. You stop for a beer and the conversation is carried over back into the office. Do your other team members now see you as playing favorites? Allowing this situation to happen you will create an environment of resentment and full of jealousy. You must treat everyone equally.
In conflicts that arise does your staff view you as taking sides? This will go hand in hand with the playing favorite’s situations. Make sure in conflict resolution you view both sides and make you’re decisions based on the company policies and procedures.
In conflict resolution don’t make snap decisions, take your time, listen to both sides, and do some investigation yourself if need be to get all the facts. Your team members will appreciate the time you take especially if you communicate with them during the process.
Give them a platform to offer suggestions to improve the work place. If you give your team members a voice, a way to express their idea’s they will be happier and more productive. But it is one easy way to improve the attitudes in the work place that is often over looked.
Show your team members you trust them. Not trusting your staff creates a negative work environment. If you think you have to be over their shoulder they will harbor resentment towards you and be less than productive.
Most managers believe that money is the biggest reason people change jobs, but it is not really. In some situations it is a factor and for a small percentage of people it is the biggest reason, but for almost 90% of people depart because of issues with their “Job, work environment, or believe it or not, their MANAGER!” Working on the area’s above might just help you to become a better manager and more successful. Look for the red flags that your employee’s are not happy.
Avoid the pitfalls to being a bad manager, don’t be a boss, be a team leader, be a coach to your team and watch your team members start to work together and you all succeed!!!
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